Eating well has certainly been difficult over the last year, hasn’t it?
During the Covid-19 pandemic (and subsequent lockdowns) feeding the family has been a real challenge for some people. Having the whole family at home all day has sent the food shopping budget through the roof, those who are particularly vulnerable may have faced difficulties getting out to the shops, and a lot of us may have found that our eating habits have changed, replacing structured meal times with a stream of snacks.
Despite all this, eating well is perhaps more important than ever.
A study in 2014 found that children who ate a poor diet (more saturated fat and processed foods) had poorer mental health, and our mental health is taking enough of a beating currently.
We also believe strongly that preparing, cooking and eating meals together helps to build strong families, and gives children skills for life.
We know it’s hard at the moment and access to food might be limited so we have some suggestions for activities, as well as information about where to get help if you need it.
It's ok to ask for help...

Find more ways to access help below...
Activity – Family cooking show
Host your own cooking show
Have you ever watched the cooking shows on TV? Cooking shows are so popular these days; it’s a real hot topic.
Pick out a simple recipe you would like to try and pretend you are hosting your own cooking show on YouTube. Make sure the whole family participates, in one way or another (you’ll need a cameraperson, a ‘lighting director’, a producer to find a recipe as well as a host or two).
You’re certain to have a lot of laughs while watching your family episode.
(P.S. We would LOVE to see your finished videos and might share them through our YouTube page! #EatingWell)
Accessing food support
If you are struggling financially or practically to access food and other essentials at the moment, there is lots of help available in Cheltenham.
Many food banks are operating as usual and there are new ones created for the purpose of supporting people during Covid-19.
Gloucestershire Community Help Hub can assist you by delivering food parcels and essential items, collecting prescriptions, calling you for a chat and much more.
How to access: Register for support on their website or call 01452 583519.
Area covered: All of Gloucestershire
Springbank Community group are offering food parcels to support families who are struggling at the moment.
How to access: text 07545 324225 or contact via their Facebook page.
Area covered: While they predominantly support vulnerable families in West Cheltenham they can extend support where needed.
Support: If you want to support Springbank Community food bank so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate through their GoFundMe or through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank fund.
CCP are accepting referrals for new customers, as well as continuing to support those they were already working with. They can provide emergency food parcels free of charge.
How to access: You can self-refer or a professional working with you family can make a referral on your behalf.
Download a referral form from their website.
Area covered: All of Cheltenham
If you want to support CCP so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank Fund.
The Long Table have launched the Feed the 5000 project to ensure that residents across Cheltenham and the wider county can access healthy and nutritious meals. The sale of paid for meals @£25 for 7 meals helps to fund a proportion of free and subsidised meals for those who are in need.
How to access: Call 01242 323693 or email
Area covered: Anyone based within 30 min drive of central Cheltenham.
Support: If you want to support The Long Table so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate here or through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank Fund.
Cheltenham Food Bank is operating as normal and issue foodbank vouchers through local support agencies.
How to access: Residents in need can email via the website ‘contact us’ page to find out what agencies can issue vouchers
Area covered: All of Cheltenham
Suitable for: Those already working with professionals such as schools, social services or other support services and who are in need of support accessing food.
Support: If you want to support Cheltenham Food Bank so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank Fund.
Family Space, located in Hesters way have partnered with 30+ organisations to support people who need help accessing food.
How to access: Call 07480462125 or email Sarah, Family Space Manager at
Area covered: All of Cheltenham
Suitable for: Anyone needing help accessing food
If you want to support #FeedCheltenham so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate here or through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank Fund.
SPTM Big Local are working with local supermarkets and restaurants to reduce food waste by giving away free food that has a short shelf-life.
How to access: Free Food Mondays runs at Gas Green youth and community centre from 9.15am every Monday, while Reduce Waste Wednesday is at Cheltenham Saracens FC ground from 9.15 – 10:30am every Wednesday. These are collection only and social distancing measures are in place.
Area covered: All of Cheltenham
Support: If you want to support SPTM Big Local so they can keep providing help to those who need it you can donate through the Cheltenham Mayor’s Food Bank Fund.
How are our partners #EatingWell?

Move More
Move More have loads of resources for families to eat well and stay healthy, as well as suggestions for home PE activities!
Check out their food themed activities and all their other great content on their website. They also have other support for families coming soon so we’ll keep you posted.
The Long Table Cheltenham and The Sober Parrot have been working their little socks off making sure people have access to tasty, nutritious cooked meals. If you need their support pop them an email or call 01242 323693 BUT they also need our help to keep delivering this great work.
You can donate meals for those who are currently struggling financially and unable to pay so, if you can, please show your support by donating a meal or two.

SPTM Big Local
St Peters and the Moors Big Local have been redistributing food from local supermarkets through FareShares, as well as generous donations from local businesses. Their hard work not only ensures that families have access to free food items but also helps to reduce food waste. Win/Win! Find out more about how Kelly and Ali are supporting communities on their Facebook page - @stpetersandthemoors.