The #FutureLeaders category celebrates projects and organisations that give children and young people the opportunities to become leaders.

And the winner is... The Young Interpreters Scheme by Gardners Lane Primary School
It is currently made up of 15 enthusiastic bilingual Year Five and Six pupils. Having undergone the training program during their lunchtimes, the young interpreters use their language skills in a variety of ways to enable new arrivals at the school to access English and feel part of the school. With approximately 30% of the children and families having English as an additional language, their role is very important.

Young Leadership Program by The Rock
This encourages teens, aged 14+, to take on a leadership role within the community youth work provided at The Rock. Young leaders work on skills that are foundational to youth work. They act as role models for young people, working on leading groups and building their skills by delivering engaging activities.
Planet Cheltenham Youth Climate Group
The youth group empowers young people to have their voices heard about the climate emergency and they are able to organise local events and initiatives to help combat it.
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