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NCLB Awards #GoingGreen


The #GoingGreen category celebrates projects and organisations that are working to improve the environment now and for the future.

And the winner is... Growing Hope Club by Belmont School

This project enables bereaved children at Belmont School to experience the therapeutic benefits of gardening together throughout the year, while also having the opportunity to meet with other bereaved children and create an informal network of support.


Planet Cheltenham Youth Climate Group

Planet Cheltenham is a climate project aiming to educate and inspire people into taking climate action. We support a youth group that empowers young people to help with this and set up local events and initiatives.

The Community Rest Garden - Tewkesbury Road

This garden has been changed from an overgrown area used for drug activities to a safe, clean and secure resource for the community to enjoy with positive activities focussed around nature for families and children on a weekly basis.

#GoingGreen is sponsored by:

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