Hearing the views of children and young people about things that will impact their future
It has always been important that children and young people ar involved in the decisions that impact their lives. However, as we recover from the pandemic it’s now more important than ever. The innovation and enthusiasm that children and young people will bring to decision making will not only help us build a better Cheltenham, it will also help the children and young people themselves to re-engage with their community following a long period of uncertainty and isolation.
Through #OurFuture we hope to bring together a cohort of young people who feel hopeful about a future they are an active part of
How does it work?
Schools and youth groups have been invited to sign up to share their views via our new consultation platform, Citizen Space. Participating groups will be sent information about upcoming consultations and given the opportunity to have their say. They can do this is a number of ways – write an essay, create some artwork, a performance… what ever they think will best express their thoughts on the matter .
In return for their views schools will be offered a range of benefits to support their ongoing learning in the subject, for example they may get a local expert come in and talk to them and answer questions, or they may get a chance to speak to a local representative and give their views directly.
The different consultation topics will be put forward by local organisations.
Possible consultation topics might include cyber skills, the Golden Valley Development, health-related topics, gender stereotypes and much more. Our first consultations explore how Cheltenham can meet it’s commitment of being carbon neutral by 2030, and what issues they would address if they were ‘in charge of Cheltenham’.
Get involved
If you are a school or youth group, or an organisation that wants to gather the views of children and young people you can find out more and register your interest below.
What have we learned?
Outcomes of previous consultations coming soon.