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Detached Youth Work Project – The Rock

The Rock is delighted to be starting a detached youth work project on behalf of Cheltenham Borough Council, No Child Left Behind, Gloucestershire NHS and The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner. Detached youth work is all about engaging with and supporting young people in public community spaces where they choose to be (often parks and the town centre).  Quality conversations are at the heart of this provision, and encourage young people to voice their hopes and concerns, and explore a deeper understanding of how we can all live well within our communities.

The work is focused on 3 identified areas: The Moors, St Paul’s and the Town Centre.  So far, the project has used provision such as mobile sports activities as a connecting point, as well as offering drinks of squash/water to the young people.  Engagement has been great so far, connecting with over 175 young people.  Constructive ideas have been shared by the young people and support has been offered around the individual challenges they are facing. 

We’d love to hear the views of anyone connected with the areas we are working in, as well as any further opportunities and activities for young people to take part in. 

Andy, Jazz, Chris & Trev (Rock Detached Youth Work Project)

Contact us at:

01242 700700

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